Food System Horizons publishes leading research through briefs, reports, and scientific journal articles that addresses key challenges for food systems.
Explore a selection of recent publications by Food System Horizons team members.

Shortcuts for accelerating food system transitions
Moallemi et al. (2024) Shortcuts for accelerating food system transitions. One Earth.

Reshaping Australian Food Systems – A Roadmap towards a more sustainable, productive and resilient future for Australia’s food, its environment and people
CSIRO Futures (2023) Reshaping Australian Food Systems – A Roadmap towards a more sustainable, productive and resilient future for Australia’s food, its environment and people. CSIRO, Canberra.

Delivering impactful solutions for the bioeconomy
Hankamer, B., Pregelj, L., O’Kane, S., Hussey, K., Hine, D. (2023) Delivering impactful solutions for the bioeconomy. Trends in Plant Science. 28(5), pp. 583-596.

Knowledge co-production for decision-making in human-natural systems under uncertainty
Moallemi et al. (2023) Knowledge co-production for decision-making in human-natural systems under uncertainty. Global Environmental Change. 82, 102727.

CSIRO convened United Nations Food System Summit Dialogue: Achieving healthy diets from sustainable food systems by 2030 – what key science, innovation and actions are needed in Australia?
Wood, M.S., Palmer, J., Mason-D’Croz, D., Bogard, J., McMillan, L. et al. (2022) CSIRO convened United Nations Food System Summit Dialogue: Achieving healthy diets from sustainable food systems by 2030 – what key science, innovation and actions are needed in Australia? CSIRO. Brisbane.

Drivers of sustainability progress and how they could play out by 2030, 2050, and 2100 under different development pathways and quantitative targets. Source: Moallemi et al. 2022.
Early systems change necessary for catalyzing long-term sustainability in a post-2030 agenda
Moallemi et al. (2022) Early systems change necessary for catalyzing long-term sustainability in a post-2030 agenda. One Earth 5(7), 792-811.

Sunflower is one of the crops that has potential for the plant-based protein supply chain.
Regional plant protein processing hub in north Queensland – Scoping the long-term business opportunities for up-cycling applications and smart manufacturing and a case study for Townsville
CSIRO (2021) Regional plant protein processing hub in north Queensland –
Scoping the long-term business opportunities for up-cycling applications and smart manufacturing and a case study for Townsville. CSIRO, Melbourne.

Articulating the impact of food systems innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals
Herrero, M., Thornton, P.K., Mason-D’Croz, D., Palmer, J., Bodirsky, B.L. et al. (2021) Articulating the impact of food systems innovation on the Sustainable Development Goals. The Lancet Planetary Health. 5(1), e50-e62.

Future technologies and food-systems innovation for accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals.
Herrero, M., Thornton, P.K., Mason-D’Croz, D., Palmer, J., Benton, T.G. et al. (2020) Future technologies and food-systems innovation for accelerating progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals. Nature Food. 1, 266–272