Navigating food system transitions in regional Australia
Like other industrialised economies around the world, Australia has greatly benefited from a multi-decadal focus on the economic efficiency since the competition policy reforms of the 1990s. However, Australian communities and industries are under pressure to transition from a near-exclusive focus on production and economic efficiency goals, to include sustainability and social inclusion goals.
A more inclusive approach
Current approaches to modelling provide limited insights into practical steps that communities and industries can take towards these transitions. It follows that the models and analytical capabilities we use to understand and manage agri-food systems need to be able to equally represent economic, environmental, and social outcomes, as well as important interactions between them. This means making a transition from models with a near-exclusive representation of production and economic outcomes, to more flexible and participatory models capable of representing local factors and pathways that communities and industries can take to more sustainable and socially inclusive futures.
Researchers in CSIRO are working with a range of stakeholders and decision makers to provide new and more flexible approaches to modelling, and using these to support communities and industries facing change. Food System Horizons is bringing stakeholders together to drive the conversation towards more sustainable and equitable food system transitions.

Contact Dr Enayat Moallemi to find out more.