Rohan Nelson: Director

Dr Rohan Nelson is the Director of Food System Horizons, and brings significant expertise in science-policy engagement to this role. His expertise includes the institutional design and management of public sector innovation and forecasting systems, and deep knowledge of competition, climate policy and natural resource management policy.
Rohan is seconded from ABARES where he has been leading a community of Australian and global experts seeking to better integrate agriculture into Australia’s food and national innovation systems. He has also been developing novel applications of foresighting to assist policy development. He has previously worked for CSIRO, the Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Land and Water Australia, the Productivity Commission, the Queensland Department of Primary Industries and as Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics and Policy at the University of Tasmania.
Rohan has a PhD in Agricultural Economics from the University of Queensland, and bachelor degrees in Economics and Forestry from the Australian National University.
Follow Rohan’s research on LinkedIn and Research Gate.